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Build Your Own Banh Mi

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  • Author: Seonkyoung Longest


Units Scale

For the Bread

  • 1 foot long Vietnamese baguette, french baguette, ciabatta or your favorite sandwich roll

For the Spread

  • 2 Tbs pate, per sandwich
  • 1 Tbs mayo, per sandwich
  • 1 tsp Maggi sauce, per sandwich

For the Protein

  • 4 to 6 oz of cold cut lunch meat, lemongrass chicken, char siu, vegan bulgogi, Asian meatballs, pulled pork, shaking beef or leftover meat
  • 1 fried egg or omelet, optional

For the Crunch Veggies

  • 3 to 4 cucumber slices
  • 3 to 4 slices of jalapeno, serrano, frezno or any chili you prefer
  • pickled radish & carrot

For the Fragrance Veggies

  • handfull of cilantro, green onion, mint, basil or/and fried shallot
  • sriracha, optional


  1. Warm bread in 400°F preheated oven for 3 to 5 minutes.
    Cut bread half in lengthwise, leaving one side connected.
  2. Spread pate on bottom of bread and mayo on other side. Sprinkle some maggi sauce.
  3. Place your choice of meat, cucumber, chili and pickled radish and carrot. Sprinkle with fragrance vegetables and add some sriracha to your taste! Serve immediately. Enjoy!
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