Hi everyone!
Yesterday, I went grocery shopping and bought really delicious blueberries and raspberries! ^__^
They were so cheap(compare to when it’s out of the season), and SO-SWEET!!! Love them so much!!
I bought bunch so I can freeze it and enjoy the sweet berries for a long time. ^___^
I kept one case of each blueberries and raspberries. I snacked all raspberries and with blueberries, I made a cake!
This morning, I was SO excited to bake cake I got up from the bed very earlier than normal. lol I have no idea why I was so excited about baking cake, I think I’m just so into baking lately. I can’t stop myself making doughs and batters… lololol
I wasn’t a baking lover when I started cooking, but lately I really enjoy baking sweet and savory both. I didn’t like baking before because it seems like so scientistic and hard to give my own twist. But I figured out that it’s not always about making things on my own, sometimes it’s fun to enjoy what other people’s perfection. When I changed my mind like so, I have more open mind toward to trying new things and even though it’s not my style I’m still able to enjoy it. I think I just understand deeply that different cultures and people enjoy things differently. I know it sounds very obvious but not everybody understands. That’s why every country has their own version of other countries cuisine. Simple example. American Chinese.
To be very honest with you, I didn’t like America’s southern food. It was grease, not enough fresh vegetables and no texture. At least that was my first thought of southern food. But now, I accept southern food as it is. I love mac&cheese, I hated it before. I didn’t care about casseroles, now I do and I understand the concept. I don’t eat southern food everyday, either Korean food.
Ok, the subject went a bit far. lol
Anyways, I didn’t care sweet or baking so I’ve never gave them a chance to shine to me. But now I do have very open mind about everything (literally- EVERYTHING!). Since I let the sweets and bake goods to shine in my kitchen and accept them as who they are, cooking and eating is much more fun!
I hope you have an open mind toward or give a try to the things that you’ve never liked, one day.
So you can find the beauty of them. ^___^
By the way, did you noticed the pictures look so good?
The pictures in this post did not take by iPhone (all other my blog posts are, I have only iPhone camera to work with). I borrowed a very good quality camera from my hubby’s boss to take some important pictures. While I’m having the camera, I wanted to take some of my food pictures.
OMG, Camera power!!! It’s same food, but looks 100 times better!!
I don’t know how to work with all those lends and stuff, so I just took with only Auto option..(yes, shame on me!! >.<;;) but even though, it looks amazing!!
Now I understand why people pay a lot of money for a camera. I think I will be one of them! lol